MIL Doc Scan is a customized book and image scanners designed for high-volume digitization of answer scripts without cutting the spine or thread. They include numerous quality control and security features.
Answer scripts scanning has many benefits, including:
- Traceability - Digitized answer scripts can be found quickly, saving time and allowing the education institution employees to focus on other tasks.
- Security - Digitized answer scripts are stored in a secure online file storage portal, reducing the risk of security breaches.
- Audit compliance - Evaluated answer scripts can be stored, organized, and indexed quickly, making it easier to comply with regulations.
- Cost-effectiveness - Document scanning can reduce the time and cost by eliminating physical storage of the answer scripts.
- Environmental benefits - Reducing paper records reduces the education institution contribution to landfills.
- Space - Scanning documents can free up office space, which can be used for more productive functions.
- Document retention - Scanned answer scripts can be stored for longer periods and never deteriorate with time, unlike physical answer scripts.